Fitness Workout for Men

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So you want Boulder Shoulders, huh? This shoulder workout for men over 40 will do the trick. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and you’ll build some massive delts. The shoulder workout for men over 40 uses a single activator and mobility exercise plus 3 dumbbell movements for mass. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

0:18 – Wall Angels

This movement will help with your spine and shoulders. Simple step away from a wall and slightly lean back. With your mid to upper back on the wall, elevate your hands above your head. Keep your forearms, wrists, and elbow on the wall when performing this movement. This movement is great for improving the mobility of the shoulders and stability of the spine.

3:21 – Dumbbell Overhead Press

This is one of the best dumbbell shoulder exercises for mass. Be sure to rotate your wrist into a semi-neutral grip. This will help take stress off of the shoulder joint and focus more on the shoulder muscle. Keep your core tight while performing this movement.

4:29 – Dumbbell Upright Row

You probably hear a lot of people preaching against upright rows. It’s actually one of the best dumbbell shoulder exercises however you don’t have to lift the dumbbells nearly as high as most people recommend. That takes the focus off the delts and more on your traps… not what we’re trying to do.

Follow the instructions in the video about and you’ll see and feel exactly why this movement belongs in this powerful shoulder workout for men over 40.

6:02 – Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Be sure to raise the dumbbells up, not out. This will help keep the contraction on the shoulder muscle. You’re working your lateral delts when performing these. Which is the outer head of the shoulder. This is a great movement to add to your shoulder workout for men at gym.

Give this shoulder workout for men over 40 a shot and leave a comment below to let me know how you like the workout.


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