Fitness Workout for Women

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Only 1 set of moves in this quick no-repeat workout for the legs and glutes, for women over 40.

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DAY 11 14-Day Booty Love Challenge
Start with Day 1 here:

⁣No repeat workouts are a lot of people’s favourite way to train, but is this a great way to train? ⁣⁣
Doing 1 set only?⁣⁣
Not really. Especially if you are an int/adv exerciser. ⁣⁣
You see you need multiple sets to really fatigue (and therefore build) the muscles.⁣⁣
But… once in a while, or when you’re short on time, or if you’re a beginner then they can be a ton of fun.⁣⁣
Just don’t use them as YOUR ONLY training protocol if you want to see results.⁣⁣
I say this because every time I release a No Repeat workout I get a TON of comments about how it’s the preferred way people like to train, that they don’t like doing multiple sets, they find multiple sets boring, blah blah blah.⁣⁣
Multiple sets are what you need, single sets are fun once in a while.⁣⁣
Got it? ✌⁣⁣

Tools: thick pillow, a sturdy chair, 1 heavy dumbbell + a pair of moderate

1. Crossover lunge
2. Other leg
3. Bent knee deadlifts
4. L step up
5. R step us
6. Feet elevated bridges
7. L glute press
8. L fire hydrant
9. R glute press
10. R fire hydrant
11. Side lunge
12. Other side
13. Frog hypers
14. 1 leg bridge
15. Other leg
16. Side lying leg lift
17. Same side knee into glute press back
18. Other leg lift
19. Other glute press back

1 x 50sec
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