Quick Fitness Workout

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Quick Cardio Warm Up – 5 Minute No Equipment Home Workout

Exercises that are going to help our body have better mobility and prevent injury.

Neck Rotation
Arms and Shoulders Rotations
Hips Rotations
Knees and Ankles Rotations
Cross Over Punches
Hip Flexor Lift
Overhead Arm Claps
Jump Ropes
Jumping Jacks
Butt Kicks

-1-2 Sets depending on Weather Conditions
-15-20 Reps on each exercise
-Perform this as a Circuit Workout.

Neck Rotation Placing your hands on your hips, keep your feet roughly shoulder width apart. Rotate your neck slowly 3x clockwise and 3x counter clockwise. Keep your eyes open during the duration of this workout and engage the core the entire time. Breath normal and don’t hold your breath.

Arms and Shoulders Rotation Extend your arms until they are parallel to the ground. With your feet shoulder width apart, engage the core and rotate your arms 3x clockwise and 3x counter clockwise in big circles obtaining full range of motion.

Hips Rotation Place your hands on your hips and keep your feet shoulder width apart. Engaging the core, without locking your legs, rotate your hips 3x clockwise and 3x counter clockwise exaggerating the rotation in the hips.

Knees and Ankles Rotations Place knees and feet as close together as possible. Crouch down but do not let your knees come in front of the biggest toe. Slowly rotate your knees and ankles 3x clockwise and 3x counterclockwise keeping the back flat and the chest up high. Look forward and breath slow controlled breaths

Cross Over Punches Have a generally wide stance in a squat position. Your legs shouldn’t come no further than parallel from the ground. Twisting your torso, punch slow and control engaging the core and exhaling on every punch thrown while maintaining a squat.

Hip Flexor Lift feet will be shoulder width apart. Placing your hands behind your head without tugging on your neck lift your knee to opposite end elbow almost touching each other. Alternate to the other side for desired repetitions.

Overhead Arm Claps assume a wide squat keeping you legs parallel to the ground. Arms will start laterally parallel from the ground. Maintaining this posture raise both arms simultaneously until hands meet above your head. Brings arms back down to the start position and repeat.

Body Weight Squat. With Feet shoulder width apart, keep your hand up or parallel to the ground. Lower yourself comfortably keeping your knee behind the biggest toe. Back will be arched and chest will be high and you will be looking over the horizon the entire time. Once lowered, raise back up engaging the core and exhaling

Jump Ropes feet will be shoulder width apart. Pretending to have a jump rope, swing arms slightly to mimic the event. Do not lock knees and jump to a point where there is air between you and the ground. Engage the core and jump at a moderate pace

Jumping jacks standing with your feet together and your hands down by your side, in one motion jump your feet out to the side and raise your arms above your head. Immediately reverse that motion by jumping back to the start position

Butt Kicks Stand with the knees close together, arms either down by the side of behind on top of the bottom. Flex your left knee and the left leg behind you so it touches the glute, return that leg to the floor and repeat with the right leg

Meal Plan options for warm up exercises before you start.
– Water
-Eat Healthy Carbohydrates; whole grain cereals, whole wheat toast, low fat or fat free yogurt, whole grain pasta, brown rice, fruit, vegetables
-Avoid saturated Fats

Meal Plan options for warm up exercise after you finish
Fluids. Drink water, of course. Blend your water with 100% juice such as orange juice which provides fluids, carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates. You burn a lot of carbohydrates — the main fuel for your muscles — when you exercise. In the 20-60 minutes after your workout, your muscles can store carbohydrates and protein as energy and help in recovery.

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