Fitness Workout for Men

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It’s official: In 2020, the lawn bod is the new beach bod! Mowing with your shirt off or planting tomatoes in a sports bra might not feel like the most glamorous way to show off those shoulders you’ve been building and that midsection you’ve been carving. But this year is all about finding little victories where we can, and using every tool at our disposal to make workouts more effective—regardless of the circumstances we’re doing them in.

No matter if you’re back in the gym, or fully embracing the home workout revolution, BodyFit’s advanced workout technology can help! Especially if you’re training at home, these four little-known features can make the difference between “well, that was…a workout,” and “that was exactly what I needed, and I can’t wait to do it again.”

Use these tools to make every workout, every day better!

Video Workout Casting

Follow-along video workouts have been rising in popularity—and getting better in quality—for years. But the lockdown days of 2020 have made them blossom like never before. No longer are they simply a way to get a quick sweat; the best video workouts can build full-body strength and athleticism while humiliating fat out of existence. And best of all, you don’t have to squint at them on a tiny phone screen to see their benefits.

Stretching on a mat.

BodyFit has multiple plans with follow-along workouts, all available to stream to your TV via a wide range of casting devices. Use casting with any of these popular plans, and expect more over the horizon:

Multi-Functional Workout Timer

You may think that timers are only essential for measuring your tiny rest periods in Tabata workouts and other HIIT gut-punches. And they are definitely essential there—but in plenty of other situations, as well. Strength-focused workouts benefit immensely from having adequate rest, for example, and it’s highly likely you’re under-resting during them. A timer can help keep you honest and make the most of every working set!

But it’s not all about rest! Plenty of other groundbreaking workout plans use variations of timed sets for muscle growth and overall fitness. In these cases, BodyFit’s workout timer allows you to stop counting your reps and focus on doing the work!

Bodyfits workout timer.

Want to try it in action? Several of the most popular new BodyFit programs use timed sets, circuits, or timed cluster sets, including:

Try any of those workouts, and you’ll have a new respect for time-based workouts!

Workout Tracking

Are your workouts just workouts, or are they part of a systematic training approach? The difference may not sound significant, but it is. A well-designed workout plan takes the stress of “am I working hard enough” out of your hands and gives your body just enough stress to make meaningful change, without leaving you burned out or injured.

BodyFit’s workout tracking system is a great way to make every workout do more! You can track the weights you use, get notifications about when it’s time for another workout, and know that you’re headed in the right direction.

BodyFits workout tracker.

Trust us: There’s nothing quite like that feeling of marking “workout complete”—except doing it over and over again!

Exercise Swapping

For some people, this is the most important secret of all. BodyFit’s exercise swapping feature allows you to customize your workout for the equipment you actually have, not the equipment you would have in a perfect world.

Why does this matter? It means you can take a gym-based workout and make it work in your home gym, while still being able to accurately track the work you do and the weights you use. Only have dumbbells for leg day? You can make it work. Plus, you can watch accurate, in-depth demonstration videos for the movements you choose.

This is workout technology that actually works. Put it into action by trying a 7-Day Free Trial of BodyFit!

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