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Manage and Grow Your Fitness Business Better with Learn more below.

Choose the All-In-One Fitness Business Management Software Platform. Review our head-to-head SubHub software comparison and see for yourself. Get a custom web and smartphone app designed for your brand with additional customization available throughout your custom-built software. Grow your business, turn leads into clients, and increase revenue.

Choosing software to run your business is a big decision that can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be, and by the end of this SubHub review we hope that the best choice stands out.

To help you make your decision, we will be offering information about SubHub, a membership software company. We are going to tell you about who they are, who they cater to, and what features are included in their software. After discussing those details, we will tell you about SubHub’s pricing structure, as well as the pricing structures for some of their main competitors.

As we give you information on SubHub, we will also tell you how we think the features of compare. At, we offer all-in-one fitness business management software, so you can be sure that every department in your business can be successfully run by using our product. There are no third-party platforms to deal with and no complicated pricing. All of our features are included in one low price.

In an ever-changing fitness landscape, it is important to be able to adapt as the needs of your business change. The software platform is fully-customizable, so you can be sure that we can easily help you navigate changes in the fitness industry that are reflected in the needs of your business.

If you are ready to work with a headache-free software company that gives you everything in one place, request a demo today.

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SubHub Software Review

Not to be confused with StubHub, SubHub is a membership software company that was designed to include all the features needed to successfully run a membership-based website. Some of the main features included in the software are payment processing, customer support, content management, and analytics. The company’s goal is to assist customers in generating revenue from digital content.

While SubHub is rightfully defined as a membership software company, fitness business owners should be aware of an important distinction in order to avoid confusion when thinking about their business. SubHub functions as a content membership company, rather than one that offers gym membership management. SubHub is used for customers who want to deliver digital content on a membership basis.

Essentially, SubHub helps businesses set up their membership website software to sell recurring content to customers. There are different forms that the software utilizes such as membership, subscription, and drip content, but it is important to note that this software does not function for direct member management in a fitness facility. Some of SubHub’s features could be useful as part of a fitness business, but there would definitely need to be a third-party involved to deliver everything a fitness business needs.

SubHub vs is built to help manage every aspect of your fitness business. We focus on membership, personal training, group fitness, e-commerce, and performance health, just to name a few. We know that your business will run more efficiently if you can do everything from one platform which is why we strive to live up to our all-in-one claim. We also want to save you time by providing you with as many automated features as possible, which we can easily do because our software is fully-customizable.

SubHub is built for something that has the potential to be part of your business, whereas is built for every part of your business both now and in the future. Your marketing or business plan might not include a digital content membership, which would mean that SubHub would have zero function for your business. On the other hand, the customization provided by means that you have everything you need for your business right now, and we can help you develop a digital content membership in the future if your business needs change.

Let’s begin to take a more detailed look at some key features.

Unless otherwise stated, all images and reviews below are of/about the software platform.

Fitness Business Management Software

As we’ve mentioned, the software platform makes it easy for you to do everything from one place. You can create schedules, run reports, and automate communication in no time at all. Your software can also be completely customized in both look and function so that your business vision is reflected everywhere, including in your custom app and website. We also want to help make you successful long-term, which is why we provide marketing integrations to help you grow your business.

Client/Class Scheduling

Your group fitness and personal training departments probably generate a lot of focus within your gym, so making their schedules easily accessible is important for getting members to use those services. With the software platform, you can easily create and sort schedules by the studio, instructor, trainer, day, time, modality, or any other category you want to offer. This makes things simple for both staff and members.

Gym/Facility Management

As your business is growing, or as you make the decision on how to grow, you need to have information available at your fingertips. You will want to know how efficiently your business is running, which areas are the strongest, and which areas need improvement or are no longer beneficial. The software platform allows you to generate custom reports so that you can get all of the information you need in an easy-to-read format. You can use the information to help you decide which group classes need to be on the schedule, how many trainers to hire based off of new clientele, or even hours of operation based on facility usage.

SubHub does not offer reporting features for your facility specifically, because the membership management platform is based on digital content membership. However, the software does provide Google Analytics and other integrated reporting features to help customers optimize the performance of their website only.

Client Automation

SubHub and both offer automated features in their respective software platforms. SubHub does this in the form of content management, drip content, and email through MailChimp. The software platform provides all of these same features and more. By using our software, you can:

  • Automate Emails and Texts
  • Automate Workout Delivery
  • Automate Resource Delivery
  • Automate Assessment Delivery
  • Automate Reminders/Alerts via app, text, and email

Dedicated Zapier Support

As we mentioned, strives to live up to our claim of being all-in-one fitness business management software. For this reason, we already provide our customers with tons of built-in integrations. We realize, however, that your business needs might be unique and require certain tools that have not organically been integrated into our software. We want you to be able to continue running all aspects of your business from one place, so we have partnered with Zapier to ensure you can do just that.

Our partnership with Zapier allows you to link your web apps so they can share data, pass information between your apps, and build faster processes that get more done. Zapier has over 2,000 apps to choose from, so you can rest easy knowing that your website will always be as efficient and user-friendly as possible. In addition, our partnership provides you with dedicated Zapier support to help you in any way that you need along the way.

Dedicated Account Manager

At, we take customer service very seriously, and we show this by providing all of our clients with a dedicated account manager to help them through every step of the process for the entire length of our business relationship. If you want to redesign your website, your account manager will get it done with ease. If you want to set up an e-commerce store to promote your brand, your account manager won’t think twice. Our world-class development team will come through for you, whether your request is simple or complex.

Customized Software

Customized software is one of the most brightly shining features for From its look to its function, we will take our software and shape it so it becomes a perfect fit for the needs of your business. We carry this customization throughout many areas of our product including branding, apps, and websites. Unfortunately for potential customers, SubHub does not offer much in the way of customization; only their websites provide this feature.


Your brand can speak volumes about your business, so you want to be able to customize your software to include all aspects of your brand such as your logo, color scheme, and pictures. This helps your potential customers to start learning about your business before they even step foot in their doors. It also helps your current members feel connected to your facility every time they use a part of your software and see your brand attached to it.

iOS & Android Apps provides all of our customers with customized apps for iOS and Android. Your logo and color scheme are easily adapted to the app so your members still feel like a part of your facility even when they aren’t there in person. The app also provides many ideal functions for your members, including the ability to book a personal training appointment, reserve a spot in their favorite class, or make a purchase from your e-commerce store.


SubHub provides its customers with a website that is built with a custom look and function for their business. As it is a digital content membership software, the company’s goal is to provide customers with a website that helps them turn a profit through subscription-based purchases. also wants to help you grow your business through your website, but we want all aspects of your business to grow rather than just a certain part. We provide you with a customized website that is built to show off everything that is great about your business and provide information, in an eye-catching way, that helps generate revenue. Some of our website features include:

  • Responsive
  • SEO optimized
  • Unlimited theme changes
  • Built to convert visitors to leads
  • Custom graphic work
  • Google Certified Partner
Security Features

Security is very important to us at We want to make sure your information is safe and secure so that you are able to confidently do the same for your customers. Our software provides:

  • SSL Secure
  • Privacy Shield Framework
  • Google Cloud

Marketing Integrations

Businesses with a growth mindset are often in search of the best ways to market their products and services. For gym owners, growth means expanding your membership base and increasing sales among your current members. We already provide you with a plethora of marketing integrations within our software, but remember that you can utilize our partnership with Zapier to set up anything you feel might be missing. This way, you can continue to run every aspect of your business from one place.

Some of our more popular integrations include:

  • MailChimp
  • ConstantContact
  • ConvertKit
  • Zapier
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Pixel

Grow and manage your fitness business better with

Workout Software

SubHub does not provide a workout platform within its software. This is unfortunate for potential customers who are gym owners because it severely restricts the value that can be added to current services, as well as the potential for adding additional products and services. On the other hand, has loads of workout features in our software. The basis of this platform is our workout creator/logger, which helps you to add value to your current in-person and online training services, as well as expand them into an e-commerce platform, which we will discuss shortly.

Workout Creator/Logger

The workout creator and logger within the software platform can be a standout feature for your fitness business. Trainers can easily create workouts that are shared with clients or used as part of a pre-built product offering. The logging portion of the platform is ideal for gathering information about a client’s progress in a training program. Progress is possibly the most important aspect of client retention, so the ability to show progress to the client has a strong correlation to your revenue.

Our workout creator/logger provides users with endless possibilities for delivering workouts, tips, and encouragement to clients in any scenario, including:

1-1 Training

One-on-one training is a classic part of most gyms, and you can make your department stand out by providing your clients with added value. One way to do this is to have your trainers create workouts for their clients within our software rather than on sheets of paper stored in a physical folder. Doing this allows your clients to have direct access to their workouts in advance so they can be prepared, or they can look back on them to keep track of their own progress.

Group Training

Group training is also very popular in many gyms because people find comfort and motivation in working out with a group of friends. Group training is also often mutually beneficial to the clients and the gym or training facility because the cost of the session is generally lower per person, but total revenue is higher for the hour. The software platform allows you to easily accommodate group training without losing any of the benefits, like workout creation and tracking, that makes one-on-one training valuable.

Online Training

The workout creator and logger provided by is perfect for gyms that want to incorporate online training. Trainers can easily create the workout, make it accessible to the client, and then the two parties can communicate so there is no confusion. It is convenient for clients, time-efficient for trainers, and beneficial to the financial health of your business.

Exercise Library

Workout creation would not be valuable without descriptions or demonstrations of the exercises a trainer is prescribing. has this covered with our extensive exercise library. Trainers can easily search for exercises by name or muscle group and then drag and drop them into their workout template. Our exercises come with a description and a video demonstration so that clients know exactly what they need to be doing and keep proper form. Our library even includes the ability for you to add custom exercises.

Custom Exercises

Boutique gyms and studios are becoming more popular, and with them sometimes comes a more specific form of fitness. These studios might utilize less-traditional exercises, so the ability to upload custom exercises into our software is perfect for them. Your business might be more traditional, but uploading custom videos is still a nice way to add a more personal touch for your clients.

TV Workouts

Video demonstrations, whether from our pre-built library or your custom library, are a great way to add value within our workout platform. Your business, however, can also utilize them in another way. During a training session or group class, your gym can cast video demonstrations onto a TV screen so that participants always have a way to look at the proper form. It is also a useful tool for your trainers and instructors because they have a visual reference.

E-Commerce Software

SubHub, as we’ve mentioned, is a digital content membership software, so they certainly have a presence in the e-commerce setting. In regard to fitness businesses, however, there is only a partial match to what the software can do. There are payment processing features and workout membership possibilities, but the ability to sell individual products is not clear., however, offers much more. We provide our customers with safe payment processing, but our clients can also sell products in an online store, sell pre-built workouts, workout memberships, and workout challenges by using our workout software.

Payment Processing

Both and SubHub utilize Stripe for payment processing purposes. SubHub also makes use of PayPal but admits on its own blog that Stripe is a better choice:

 “If you want ease of use, combined with maximum functionality, Stripe is the way to go and the gateway we always recommend.”

By using Stripe, is able to process payments in a variety of different ways. Payments can be made for personal training, group fitness, product sales, or an accumulation of several different payments, including membership, into one bill.

Sell Products

There are many different reasons a gym might want to sell products. You could be interested in promoting your brand by putting your logo on merchandise, or you might just want to have convenient items available for your customers. Either way, the software platform makes it easy for you to set up an e-commerce store so that your current and potential members can easily make purchases on their own.

Sell Workout Plans

The workout creator in the software platform is a great way to add value for clients, but it also offers your business a way to expend your e-commerce store by selling pre-built workouts. In exchange for the time spent to create a workout, your gym can earn income over and over again each time the plan is purchased. Our workout creator allows you to build and sell workouts for individuals with all types of goals including general fitness, strength training, endurance, core strength, HIIT, and countless others.

Offer Online Workout Memberships

Since SubHub is a membership software company, it is feasible that a fitness business could utilize the software to offer online workout memberships. However, since SubHub does not include a workout platform, which means no workout creator, it would be fairly difficult to deliver a quality workout program without the use of an exercise library. makes it much more simple. Our workout platform already has a built-in library of exercises that you can use to build workouts, so offering a recurring online workout membership is a breeze. You are being efficient with your time by utilizing pre-built workouts, but you are also setting your business up to increase revenue without a large cost.

Sell Workout Challenges

Selling a workout challenge to your members is a great way to earn extra income and get people excited within your facility. People are motivated by having a goal or something that challenges them, and it is also a great way for them to be able to track progress. You can make the challenge more enticing, and simultaneously market your other services, by offering a prize to the winners.

Performance Health Software

We’ve mentioned that the ability to see progress is one of the biggest reasons that members continue to utilize your services. provides a great platform to do this with our performance health software. You can set the baseline for your clients by delivering a custom assessment and then, once you have retested the same client, the progress can be shown in a report.


Many times, when a gym offers an assessment, it is comprised of the same tests for every person. This leads to less meaningful results because the tests may not necessarily be giving useful information for that person. For example, a person who is coming off of shoulder surgery would likely not be able to perform a push-up, so it would not be an applicable test. With, you can customize your assessments for every person so that they always get useful information that can also be used to help promote your services.

Performance & Measurement Reports

After going through multiple assessments, your clients will want to see how they have progressed. Using the software platform, you can send them this information in an easy-to-read report. The report can include progress pictures, body metric changes, or exercise performance information. Whatever you assess can be put into the customized report.


In order to reach their goal, you want to make sure that your clients are also focusing on proper nutrition. To help with this, has included a nutrition tracker in our software. We’ve made it easy for your clients to log their food and water intake so that they have information that relates their nutrition to their progress. Trainers can also view their clients’ food log and make suggestions if applicable.

SubHub Software Pricing

Below is a table displaying the different pricing structures for SubHub and the associated features with each. The main distinctions within each price point are the number of members and the amount of storage.

SubHub Software Competitors

Listed below are four main competitors to SubHub, along with their pricing structures. Please note that prices are accurate at the time of writing (May 2020).

The Bottom Line: Pros and Cons

By this point in our comparison, it is probably becoming apparent that SubHub and are crafted for different types of businesses. SubHub is built for a business that sells digital content based on membership, whereas is built to manage a fitness business from top to bottom. We believe the choice on which software should run your business is clear, but let’s recap.

SubHub Cons

It is worth noting that SubHub is not even specifically built for fitness businesses. Digital content membership can take place in a wide range of different industries. This means that a fitness business would have to take software that is built to serve multiple types of businesses and force it to fit with the needs of their business. This could lead to headaches for the business that chooses to take this on, along with slower production and lower efficiency levels.

SubHub simply cannot work well for a fitness business that does more than delivering digital content memberships. Without the use of third-party software, SubHub would not be able to schedule personal training, schedule group classes, create workouts, track workouts, measure performance, or sell workouts. There are so many elements of successful fitness businesses that would not be allowed to thrive or even be utilized by having only the SubHub software.

SubHub could be an adequate solution for a fitness business whose only goal is to deliver digital content memberships, however, even that could be a struggle since SubHub is not specifically built for the fitness industry. Pros is the right choice for your fitness business because we can meet any need your business has, including digital content memberships. We are not limited to one area of the fitness industry; we are capable of helping you excel in all areas. Our fully-customizable software means that you don’t have to purchase software and make it fit your business. Instead, partner with, and we will take our software and mold it so that it is already a perfect fit when you begin using it.

Our fitness business management software ensures that you will always have the tools and information that you need to make your business successful. Our scheduling and automated features help make your life easy, as an owner. Our reporting features also help ensure that you will always have the information you need and want in order to help you make important business decisions.

The workout platform in the software opens up numerous possibilities for your fitness business. Our workout creator and logger help you to add value to your current training services, but they also open the option for expanding your e-commerce platform and selling workout-based products and memberships. These are not costly to your business, but they open up the possibility of recurring income.

The performance health software in the platform is a key piece in the retention of your current clients and the acquisition of new ones. By establishing a baseline of performance data, re-assessing, and then delivering the reports to members and clients, you are helping show them how they are progressing and how your services are helping them to do so.

Additionally, our customer service is exceptional, as evidenced by the dedicated account manager that all of our customers receive. When you combine your account manager with our world-class development team, you can be confident that the needs of your business will always be met with exceptional quality. is the right fit for your business because we have all the tools your business needs. From start to finish, we are here to partner with you and ensure our mutual success.

What things do you feel are important to the success of your business?

If you want to work with a fitness business management company that has the perfect software for your business, request a demo today.


Who are you guys, anyway?

The team at solves a major problem — how to grow your business without wasting time and losing money. We work with the real, confident decision makers — the best of the best — like James Harrison (Steelers great), Don Saladino, D1 Training, Fairchild Sports Performance, and Freestyle Connection — and offer our all-in-one fitness business software to simplify managing your business. The team at solves a major problem — how to grow your business without wasting time and losing money. We work with the real, confident decision makers — the best of the best — like Steelers great James Harrison, Don Saladino, D1 Training, Fairchild Sports Performance, and Freestyle Connection — and offer our all-in-one fitness business software to simplify managing your business.

What sets you apart from your competitors?

We turbocharge your business with our all-in-one fitness business software that’s custom branded for your business.• Efficiently schedule, view, and manage all appointments and classes — including by trainer, location, and service — with easy options for scheduling recurring events and availability.• Save time creating workouts with our simple workout plan creator and exercise manager and built-in integrations, tools, and more.• Sell your training three ways – group subscriptions, individualized training, and single workout plans – to increase revenue inside and outside your training walls.• Take clients through your custom assessments to automatically deliver personalized workouts based on the data important to their success.

Why not pay for custom development?

So many things could go wrong when building custom-branded apps. It’s also expensive, takes years to develop, and requires trust with your developers. We have a proven track record delivering apps for top trainers around the world and remove the risks present when doing it on your own.

What if I’m not technical?

You don’t need to be. Our dev team will build your custom-branded apps and take care of all the technical stuff so you can focus on what you do best.

What if I don’t have a following?

Engaging the followers you have is paramount because you can instantly convert engaged followers into paying clients with your all-in-one fitness business software.

Is it hard to set up?

No, it’s very easy. All you need to do is follow our success team’s proven process. We will deliver your custom-branded, all-in-one fitness business software, and you can do what you do best!

What if I wait to implement this solution?

If you wait, you will leave a lot of opportunity on the table to save time as you scale and manage your business with all-in-one software to engage and retain your clients. Whether you’re looking to bill customers on a recurring basis, single session, or package basis, do it all with a fully integrated, secure platform that can support in-person and online payments. This is a high-quality problem to solve. You shouldn’t wait to solve it.

What exactly do I get?

You get all-in-one fitness business software that does everything you need. No more having one software solution for doing personal training, another for booking and scheduling, something else for client assessments, and yet another pricey subscription for marketing and client communication. And then there are custom-branded iOS & Android apps. If you’re tired of paying too much for too many moving parts, stop the hacks and demo the all-in-one fitness business software today. This all-in-one fitness business software will save you time running your business, handle everything in one place, provide endless opportunities to engage and retain your clients, and allow you to sell workout plans.

Will this really work for me?

Yes. We have a proven track record with fitness professionals like Ashley Borden, Just-Train, PJF Performance, Madeline Moves, and Fit Thrive. Our all-in-one fitness business software will allow you to grow your business as much as you want.

What are the next steps?

The next step is simple. Click “Get a Price” anywhere on this page and schedule a call with one of our team members.

Will this integrate with my other software?

Our software integrates with a variety of other software including Zapier, Stripe, YouTube, Vimeo, MailChimp, MyFitnessPal, ConvertKit, and more.

What if I don’t have the budget?

This is an all-in-one fitness business software that allows you to grow your business as much as you’d like. You should strike while the iron is hot by investing in a workout platform that will help you scale your business, earn more revenue, retain and engage your clients, and save you time running your business.

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